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A Breath Taking Find!

You never know what bottom fishing in Amazon’s digital book store will net you. With luck and a mindful, practiced eye, you can usually land something to entertain or sustain you for a while. But a truly unique catch always exceeds your wildest expectations, as you will almost certainly agree once you taste the rare spiritual vintage contained within “Inner Passage of the Sixth Chakra”. Not only has the auhor provided an impeccable DIY lifeline for your spiritual ascension, but he offers it totally devoid of dogma or attitude. A very rare catch indeed! Finally . . . you can be assured that windows of secular opportunity will open and close throughout your lifetime, but you will likely find such an opportunity as this book offers hard to manifest again.  Art H. | 5 out of 5 stars | Kindle Edition Verified Purchase

A Guide for Willing Explorers

Jerry Gomez’s Inner Passage is that rare book with something to offer for anyone with an open mind. The book welcomes all willing explorers to question the nature of consciousness and our purpose in it. His detailed discussion of meditation set me on my own path of personal discovery. As a bonus, Gomez has lived quite the life, and the narrative he tells along the way is worth the price of admission by itself. Highly recommended!  jeff cleek | 5 out of 5 stars | Kindle Edition Verified Purchase

Life-Changing Information

This book confirmed my current beliefs, my suspicions… but more than that it introduced a whole new perspective that I couldn’t have imagined. No matter what your opinion is, you’re going to learn something you can’t deny easily and more than likely you’ll be out fact-checking and cross-referencing as soon you’ve read it which I did in one sitting. Well, admittedly there was a point near the end where I had to get up and walk around a bit to clear my head because it was a little too much to handle, but this was because it resonated too well in me at that time. Start to finish (and especially the way through) this book is sure to be one I wish to have around both for myself and for others who I just couldn’t describe the principles to better than the author does in his own words.  James Robb | 5 out of 5 stars | Kindle Edition 

A Great Book on a Deep Subject

How often do you come across a book that changes your life? This book will do that for you. The subject matter here is dense, but the author explains it in a readily accessible way that will guide you to however far you want to go on this incredible journey. Highly, highly recommended.  T. Auclair | 5 out of 5 stars | Kindle Edition 

Finally an Author Who Explains it All

I love what this book is saying to me, things I’ve often wondered about. I have some very vivid dreams, and I am convinced I leave my body when I sleep and go to other planes. I see family, mostly my father, who has died many years ago and he’s just like how I remember him, young and happy where he’s at. Other journeys are nothing to do with family, but I love going to sleep to see what’s in store for me next, just like this book. I’ve had to put it down a couple of times to let what I’ve read digest, and then I can’t wait to pick it up again. Inside, I knew there was more to life and to us than what we have been indoctrinated to believe. Thanks Jerry for writing this awesome book and so happy I found you again on Facebook; it’s how I found out about your book. Love you lots.  lulu | 5 out of 5 stars | Kindle Edition Verified Purchase

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