This Book and What Jesus Taught

While appreciative of the Bible’s existence, I question the precise wording, the period, and cultural interpretations of writings that were selectively compiled and re-edited by mortals three hundred years after Jesus Ascended. Even though reincarnation was initially included in the Bible, it was removed six hundred years later. This is one example of its many misleading alterations, heresies, and censorships. Other writings were also excluded, such as Jesus’ missing years, between twelve and thirty years old, where some evidence says he ventured to India and studied their spiritual teachings and practices.

After the account of Jesus’s life and teaching were first compiled into one book and became a part of the Bible, around the year 300, eleven hundred years later in the late 1300s, it was translated into English for the first time. Before this, England imprisoned those who possessed the outlawed English version of the Bible. People were damned if they read the Bible and doomed if they didn’t. So these persecuted Puritans bordered the Mayflower and sailed to the New World where they’d have the freedom to read a book in a language they could understand. In 1604, when the people of England and the translation of the Bible got beyond King James’ control, he commissioned his version of the Bible. Amid protests by various denominations as to how it was being interpreted, it was rewritten and re-edited several times. It was finally adapted to the satisfaction of those dictating the contemporary views of the Church. They minimized Jesus’ Ascension and left out other pertinent information.

Meanwhile, the Catholic Church outlawed possession of any Bible. Fearful that their followers will start to think for themselves. Today the Vatican still wants their interpretations of Jesus’ teachings to be the only Word of God, not the Bible’s. (Suppression of the Bible by the Church is still practiced today.) In Europe, for 600 years, from the 12th century to 1825, while the Christian Church preached “Though shalt not kill,” they appointed the Inquisition to savagely torture people, burn them alive, and killed hundreds-of-thousands of innocent people, non-believers, and those who opposed the Christian dictatorship. In the Americas, Conquistadors took that much further and committed genocide, killing 24 million people in the name of their Christian God and Spain. Only the lowliest of demonic entities could be so blindly hypocritical and cruel. Yet their self-appointed maniacal spiritual teachers remained at the head of the Catholic Church and are presently guiding over a billion oppressed souls to accept their limiting beliefs and keeping them in the dark. Their followers are instructed, “You do not have to do anything but accept Jesus as your Lord and savior, and do what we say.” Few venture out on their own, while most fear the guaranteed descent to hell if anyone reaches for any truth beyond the Church’s.

Portraying Ascension as beyond the reach of mere mortals and emphasizing the idea that enlightenment can be accessed only in the afterlife, today, religious leaders are misleading 2.2 billion Christians by limiting them to the man-made doctrines of various religious doctrines. What is astoundingly sad is these people are blindly and cluelessly following them. Religious leaders, throughout history, have done more to obstruct and hold people back from higher spiritual realization than anyone else on Earth. Unenlightened and unwilling to conceive of their or anyone’s Ascension, they’ve confined their followers to their dogma, emphasizing Jesus’s death over his Ascension. This is what happens when what is genuinely spiritual is converted into a religion. With unenlightened humans as stewards of the Bible, it was inevitable that its message would become biased, distorted, and misleading. Since the thirteen hundreds, the Bible has been further re-edited to conform to and accommodate the preferred interpretations of the numerous diverse cultures and languages around the world.

Today, with the message of the Bible exploited and distorted in such a way as to represent its preachers’ delusions of wrath, born out of their own personal fears and limitations, it is still better to have the Bible than to not. The Bible gives people hope for something more, even as they are told the enlightenment it proposes is not within their reach. That something is written or preached does not necessarily make it true unless it can be proven. And a book about an Ascended Being rewritten over and over for two thousand years to make the truth more palatable can be set aside when the option exists to go directly to the source for the truth. Despite its many revisions, the Bible obscurely presents us with that option.

As a result of the misrepresentations, contradictions, and hypocrisy of contemporary Christianity, many have become disenchanted if not outright opposed to religion. Some have closed themselves to the possibility of an afterlife. However, those who attune to Jesus can acquire the consciousness he achieved. This book, Inner Passage of the Sixth Chakra, is suited for those who are receptive to attain, a cognitive, spiritual awareness leading to one’s spiritual awakening from where they can progress to their enlightenment in Christ Consciousness. It can be arrived at and experienced by applying select Eastern Philosophical methods cultivated throughout India and other relevant spiritual practices leading to the threshold of the Inner Passage. Eastern Philosophy is not a religion, nor is it dogmatic. It is a path of applicable methods to achieve various stages of enlightenment, which was developed over five thousand years. It shows an individual how to ascend from this temporal physical state, bypassing the pitfalls and dead ends, to experience and verify one’s true, sovereign, and spiritual essence. From there, one can access spiritually oriented planes beyond the physical. The book can be utilized to access the core essence of whatever belief or religion one wishes to pursue. It is not presented as an academic nor theoretical doctrine. It is based on providing a personalized experience that will take you to a place where you can see and experience for yourself, beyond all doubt, the alternatives that lay beyond this world. It is presented in a way that anyone serious about awakening to the truth can transcend this turbulent physical world, and access the Higher Ethereal Realm in which there are harmonious planes of existence leading to their spiritual fulfillment. Or they can Ascend beyond the Ethereal Realm and attain enlightenment there immediately.

This book provides not only an understanding of how to transcend the obstacles that limit one’s spiritual awareness to this plane but the process by which one can achieve Ascension. It presents enlightenment as achievable and in terms relative to the contemporary human experience. This makes it easier to understand Enlightenment and Ascension as one and the same. I was compelled to write this book because every Eastern Philosophy and Western teaching I came across was so general and vague, it left me guessing as to what they meant or how to achieve what they were suggesting. Be good, enter the silence, and transcend they said, but seldom gave details on how or even why. Eventually, I took it upon myself to venture out on my own and decipher what they were saying. This is the information I had never come across until the Chart of the Inner Passage was given to me. And while I underscore the essentials of letting go and entering Samadhi, I leave it up to the reader to determine where they’ll ascend once transcendence is achieved.

What are the differences between the Enlightenment taught by Jesus, and that described in this book? There aren’t any! What Jesus spoke of becomes self-evident through the applications in this book. It can be experienced and verified. Therefore, faith in what this book discloses is not required, unlike contemporary religions, which require blind-faith in their teachings but present no means of verification and therefore offer no credibility. This book places the reader’s destiny in their own hands. It discloses how he or she can access progressive stages of spiritual awareness, and it unveils their ability and the means to enter a higher state existence. Where under the supervision of Jesus, sincere followers faithfully entrust their lives to Jesus, embrace his guidance, and are rewarded for it. Jesus will show the way to transcend all attachments to the physical to those who no longer know how to do it for themselves. He will show how to transcend religion to those who would otherwise remain disoriented and spiritually lost. And for those who ask, he will show them how to Ascend. The following are some scenarios as to how direct guidance under Jesus would unfold.

It’s along the line of Leonard Cohen’s lyrics to the song, Suzanne,…and when he (Jesus) knew for certain that only drowning men could see him, he said all men shall be sailors until the sea shall free them.” While many aspire to rise out from the depths of Earth to something better, they will be drawn to Jesus. However, many will still find it too difficult to let go of their attachment to this world or fully awaken spiritually in this embodiment. Instead, to hold on to their salvation, they’ll remain focused and rely on their unwavering faith as they endure the challenges of life through their remaining time on Earth. When they die and have no choice but to let go of their physical reality, only then are they receptive and can be presented with higher, spiritual options. Their faith and commitment must be maintained not only throughout their lives but also beyond their physical death, until the options can be verified. This is done by remaining in touch with the guidance of Jesus, the Holy Ghost – one’s Higher Presence. Those who are most sincere will begin their recovery and spiritual reorientation immediately after they leave the physical world, if not before.

The initial objective of assisting a departed soul will be to get each one beyond the influence of Earth and to a place that is conducive to their growth. Many will be fragile or disoriented and will require some time to recover from being in the physical. During this adjustment and preparatory stage, and before their awakening can take place, each soul will gradually learn, so as not to be overwhelmed, that they are not their egos or bodies, nor are they from Earth. They will be shown why and how to let go of the limitations of religious dogma, social-cultural conditioning, and attachments to their egos, bodies, and Earth. Since each soul is at a different level of spiritual preparedness and awareness, after their physical deaths and by-passing the astral plane, they will ascend to an ethereal plane reflective of their existing levels of consciousness. There, they will be protected and can evolve spiritually. (These Spiritual Planes within and beyond the Ethereal Realm coincide with a quote from the Bible “In my Father’s house are many mansions… I go there to prepare a place for you.” …the interpretation I most prefer).

There, they will be given general guidance and even be introduced to their own spirit Spiritual Guide, who will show them who they really are and what they are capable of. They will remain under similar guidance until they are confident enough to commit themselves spiritually and, through their own ability, initiate the necessary changes in their lives. They’ll learn to let go of the past, cause others no harm and instead genuinely care for all life, and recognize and respect all life as they do their own.

When deciding which method to use, either religious beliefs or the instruction of this book, do not abandon what has proven to work for you! If your religion or belief in Jesus gives you an unsurpassed peace in your life and steadfast confidence in your desired destiny and fate, then I’d say you’ve gone beyond the limitations of religion and have committed to your full spiritual awakening. You’ve advancement in such a way, few have realized. Chances are you have utilized some of what I stated in this book, and you will continue to intuit techniques that help you raise your awareness and advance you on your path. Prayer, for example, can qualify as a technique common in both approaches; however, letting go of the ego or using meditation is not a common practice or even acknowledged in many religions. Yet, those who benefit from their religion have gone beyond what it offers, and they will be inspired to redeem and advance themselves by incorporating such practices into their lives. 

However, if conventional, contemporary religion leaves you wondering if you’ll ever get to heaven or searching for answers, you’ll want to take matters into your own hands, i.e., your spiritual attunement and advancement. That is where this book will make a difference.

Otherwise, over time, the religiously faithful will learn to stand on their own and function independently as they ascend their way through the Highest of the Spiritual Planes and beyond it to full enlightenment, much like it’s described in the Chapter “The Higher Planes.” During the evolutionary process, many will fully awaken and, of their own accord, Ascend directly, with no need to process through the higher planes of Spiritual Evolution – that is the day the Masters look forward to – when that soul realizes it is one of them. Alternately, people would need to collectively and sufficiently raise their consciousness to the point Earth is as it is in heaven. Then they’ll be ready to enter the final stage in their spiritual evolution.

In comparison, assimilating the spiritual perspectives and employing the applications to access the Inner Passage while on Earth, we come to see life in the physical for what it is – confinement and spiritually dormant. In turn, this motivates us to access our spiritual nature as a way to find a higher alternative beyond the physical. We take it upon ourselves, the responsibility of furthering our own awakening in order to transcend karmic suffering, end our ignorance, and consciously enter any of the advanced planes above Earth or Ascend beyond them. To achieve this, we prepare ourselves to transcend our bodies, our egos, Earth, and all the earthly bonds that keep us tied to this plane. This can be achieved in a brief time, within a few months, if one is diligent, but it certainly can be done within one’s lifespan. If you doubt your capability to achieve this transformation on our own, know that this is the same orientation and fundamental steps toward one’s liberation and enlightenment that Jesus or any Ascended Master is willing to provide us for the asking. If you feel divided or uncertain as to which way to go, take a sacred moment to ask Jesus what you should do. Then clear your mind of all bias and stray thought as you would for an Ascended Master’s response and listen. Go with Jesus if you are inclined to do so. For me, there is no difference. I don’t make a distinction between the two since I have access to each and can reap the benefits of each.

The objective of this path is to reawaken our spirits, spiritual abilities, and attain sufficient awareness to transcend the physical during this life. This is something every soul must eventually achieve, regardless of the path they’ve chosen, if they are to access better, higher spiritual alternatives. When we glimpse the higher alternatives in contrast to the physical world, each is put into perspective and furthers our drive to transcend the physical. We’ll then venture toward the destiny of our choosing while utilizing higher guidance as needed. This procedure, like a comprehensive crash-course on Spiritual Acceleration, requires detachment from the materialism of this plane and the ego (self-purification). Only then will the activation of our spiritual centers allow us to transcend the body and Earth and ascend to a Higher Spiritual Plane or Ascend beyond the Ethereal Realm entirely. We achieve an unencumbered, elevated state of consciousness by our own will and at our own pace before leaving the body. In this way, we can bypass the time and effort it takes to ascend through the Higher Spiritual Planes. Instead, during our Accelerated Purification and Spiritual-Restoration, we immediately enter into the same consciousness as Jesus, which then allows our Final Ascension and full Enlightenment to take place.

By our submission to the physical plane, we have become so lost that our enslavement and confinement here are inconceivable to us. It has become so incredibly difficult to find our way out of here, that very few will even try to push beyond its limiting conventions. Fewer still, of their own volition, will transcend beyond the Earth Plane, and even fewer yet will Ascend beyond the Ethereal Sphere. Without precedent set by those who have transcended the physical and Ethereal, the Ascended Masters and Jesus, who will assist us to do the same – we could remain in this lower plane indefinitely, oblivious to what lies beyond it.

You are loved much more than you realize. I hope you will find the way to liberate yourself and transcend the limitations of this existence, and in so doing, ascend to a refined, higher spiritual reality, and ultimately, for those who want to bring their wandering journey to its end – to Ascend. This book provides the necessary instructions for attaining verification of the Ethereal, via Transcendence, and from that vantage point, a clear perspective of both realities, ethereal and physical. Once this is achieved, you can make an objective and intelligent decision as to which path you want to pursue and ultimately determine where you want to be. There is much more to explore, experience, and benefit beyond this plane. To verify what more there is out there and available to you and to claim it, you’ll have to venture beyond these words.

One Master surmised, “Remember, your freedom is within your reach and much closer than you realize. When you decide to return, all you have to do is turn around. In that moment, it will be as if you never left.” Now it is up to you to do what no one else can do for you: Allow the essence of your Spirit to resurface by which you can take back control of your life, decide your fate, and choose your own destiny.