About the Author 

Jerry Gomez, the author of Inner Passage of the Sixth Chakra, was born and raised in New Mexico. He attended the University of New Mexico and the University of Texas – Austin, 1978 thru 1981, where he majored in Media Communication. Even though he appreciated words as the basis and ultimate medium for communication, he did not see himself as a writer. 

In his earlier years, the author loved traveling (hitchhiking/backpacking) and exploring the mountains, shores, and cultures of the west coast states and Hawaii. He lived in each coastal state, Hawaii, Texas, and New Mexico before retreating to the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, where he built a straw bale home in 2000. 

While “About the Author” is supposed to be about the author and may appear as an attempt to promote his book, it says more about him than his education, career, or any other earthly achievements. His whole life revolved around discovering the Inner Passage before he knew it existed plus eight more years writing this book detailing what took place in events and revelations. 

Throughout his life, his interests lay in the answers to why, in the broader scope of time, are we here in the physical and on Earth ever so briefly? What is the point of being born to grow older, feeble, and then die? Are we just the by-product of the primordial soup, or are we something more? Pursuing these answers led to more critical questions: Is there more to our existence, and if so, how do we verify it and then access it from Earth? 

He ventured into the spiritual consciousness and realm advocated in Eastern philosophy and higher spiritual teachings from around the world. Meditation, fasting, the refinement of being a vegetarian, living in an Ashram, and other spiritual disciplines assisted him in this spiritual venture. What he discovered proved to be more than others were willing to believe or able to comprehend. Occasionally, when in casual conversations, he’d share a spiritual experience, and some people responded like deer caught in a car’s headlights. Those who lives were preoccupied with their physical existence looked as if that ship sailed without them. Some tried to counter his experiences with religious dogma, while others were in denial and contentious – in favor of ignorance, they did not want to upset their (terminal) reality. And he recalled the insight, “Do not share with dogs what is holy or cast your pearls before swine…” Since he had no need to convince or convert skeptics, even friends, he kept what he saw to himself and progressed on this path alone. 

Because anger, malice, and violence are a way of life in the world, it drove the author to find freedom from conflict – an alternative to this life on Earth. To achieve this, he awoke to his spiritual essence and gave it the reins to his life – something not commonly practiced in the physical world. Needing to minimize the stagnancy and influence of the world, he set aside social cultures and their expectations of him, which some saw as eccentric. However, when concerned with the larger picture, it made no sense to invest in such a brief life dominated by aggression, survival, and the accumulation of material wealth – currency would be useless to him after the body dies.

While the author thought the ethereal and spiritual experiences he had throughout his life were random and unrelated events, he realized they had set the stage for the revelation of the Inner Passage. He was showed how to access it, and to do so, he’d have to detach entirely from the physical world, including his body. Initially, he transcended the physical temporarily to verify the Passage one-step-at-a-time, one-event-at-a-time, until he was sure of what he was experiencing. By simply entering the Passage and coming out at the other end into the Ethereal Realm, put most everything into perspective. It provided more than an explanation of our existence and immortality; it answered most of his questions without having to ask. Exploring deeper, he left Earth’s reality to get a closer look and verify the ethereal’s existence and the spiritually enlightened cultures within this realm. He saw them as compassionate, harmonious, advanced alternatives to our physical world, and he respectfully appreciated their receptivity. They extend a standing invitation to anyone who can reach them.

What he discovered is so vital for souls to end their displacement and suffering, to attain self-realization, and advance themselves. Yet he could not readily share it if he wanted to, not unless others want to learn of it. To talk about it to just anyone would be like speaking in a foreign language seldom heard on Earth. He would sound preachy, dogmatic, or both, and thus, he remained silent. The author knew everyone was equal to him and couldn’t see himself as anyone’s guru. 

However, the answers to critical questions he had uncovered and the gravity of their implications were greater than what he could keep to himself. The author spent eight years detailing related events, revelations, and their significances in the book Inner Passage of the Sixth Chakra, completed in 2020. Transcendence is not an easy feat for someone unfamiliar with the process, and he made the procedure known in the book. He wrote specifically for those who, like himself, are open-minded and looking for answers to their existence, essence, evolution, and higher alternatives.

While what he wrote is offered to everyone, many who are focused on the physical world will not fully recognize what the book provides. For those seeking a means to understand or transcend life’s dilemmas, at the least, the book will show them how to awaken their true spiritual essence. Then they will realize they can and do exist independent of their physical bodies (without having to die). Once self-realization takes place, they will be free to do whatever they wish and go wherever they want. They’ll be able to choose their own fate, rather than remaining subject and limited to their earthly environment. For those ready to advance to a higher plane of existence, the book will show how to access alternate, inspiring states of life conducive to their needs and goals. Ultimately, this book will enable them to find their way back home. 

Jerry went on to hone the life-altering skills that would allow him to access a higher world indefinitely. He found what he was looking for, and now that the book is finished, nothing will stop him from completing this journey.

Author’s Summary 

I’ve approached the ethereal/spiritual subject of the book with consideration for the novice and appropriately introduce each topic for proper orientation. As a journalist would present information, it is written objectively, so the reader can formulate their own opinion. Those very familiar with the subject might even presume the book elementary – until they read on where the book dives deep into, not the contemplation of Eastern philosophy, but the application of those ideas and methods that allow one to transcend the body, death, and Earth. From there, can one explore, and even access higher, alternate realities that lie beyond the physical. Everyone will inevitably experience some degree of an altered state upon crossing-over, but more commonly, their opportunities will be limited to the ones we have here and now. The book is somewhat of Eastern philosophy, but it is written from a Westerner’s perspective. It is a personal account of what I have experienced while applying the collective practices of several spiritual teachings. The second half of the book is focused on why one would want to achieve this, and then how, offering the reader a way to verify and experience what is presented in the book.

Jerry Gomez

For more information about the author: 

Author’s Facebook Jerry Gomez

Book Link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00AMQPLMY