Inner Passage – Introduction

When the author saw that his destiny and fate would be revealed to him only after he departs from this physical existence, he feared this critical revelation would come at a time and in a place that would be too late to make a difference. Determined to find a higher alternative to the uncertainty of a predestined and possibly dire existence or worse, he set out on a personal quest for a means to determine his own fate.

The Inner Passage of the Sixth Chakra details the author’s journey into the consciousness and realm advocated by Eastern philosophy and other advanced spiritual teachings. Told from a Westerner’s perspective (U.S.), the book recounts events that brought to light a highly revered a means to not only unlock but also heighten one’s awareness of the ethereal and spiritual realities. It reveals details of a passage that allowed the author to bridge the physical to the spiritual.

When the author crossed over and entered the Ethereal Realm, it freed him of his earthly karma and all uncertainty of life beyond the physical. Probing deeper, he realized he is a spiritual being, immortal, and free go wherever he desires. But transcending the physical, though a rare achievement, set the stage for something greater. 

Beyond the ethereal threshold, he accessed enchanting and enlightened planes, each a universe unto itself, including one in particular, an all-encompassing destination that lies above and beyond the rest. Spiritual Beings from this higher existence suggested he not return to Earth, and encouraged him to stay. This assured him he was not only free to leave the physical plane with no liability whatsoever, but he would be warmly received in a haven where their way of life exceeded his highest aspirations. His search was over. 

Looking back to Earth one last time, aside from seeing complacent souls who remained asleep, he saw others like himself struggling desperately to find a way beyond this earthly existence in search for one that is, instead, compassionate, and spiritually awake. However, with a foothold in each world, he realized to not write of the passage shown to him that led to this threshold would be negligent and abandonment of kindred souls; to do so was inconceivable.

While the first half of the book is an autobiographical narrative of experiences and discoveries, the second half provides the precise orientation to personally experience and thus verify the existence of the Ethereal Realm with its many spiritual facets. Infinitely beyond what astral travel can achieve, once acclimated to the ethereal’s neutral and safe environment, it will set you blissfully free from all that you contend with on Earth and all that weighs you down. You will also have the option to awaken your true essence, your Spirit, and realize your immortality. For those ready to access a higher spiritual plane of existence, you’ll transcend the physical; then, you’ll be free to ascend to a higher plane of your choosing – within this life. 

Some think of this ability as supernatural. Perhaps, but it is instilled within each of us, ensuring our spiritual survival and evolution. To those who find the events in this book too enigmatic, read the book as one would read a novel. However, it is not fiction. It is a spiritual journey. ~

What is a Chakra?

There are seven chakras, energy centers, within the human spine from its base to the top of one’s head. They represent the aspects and quality of one’s life, from survival, relationships to enlightenment. Specifically, the sixth chakra is a spiritual center in the human body, also known as the Third Eye. It’s at the center of one’s forehead just above the eyebrows, and its traits are more commonly known as psychic abilities. But this book reveals the Sixth Chakra has much greater potential.