Excerpts and Commentaries

“Beyond what our memories can serve, before venturing into the Ethereal Sphere and exploring what it would be like to exist within this physical personification, we were pure, complete, and perfect. That is our heritage; it always has been. After a time, we not only lost memory of where we came from and who we were, we also forgot the way home. No longer aware of a higher or better alternative to this life, caught in the shadow of the material world, it appeared to our egos that our physical reality must be the alpha and omega of our existence. We became disconnected, consciously, and lost.

No longer aware of the spiritual portal that leads to our original domain, we even doubt its validity and regard it as a myth. At best, we see this passage as unfathomable. We see ourselves as either incapable or unworthy of passing through such a higher threshold, and we view with caution our inherent spiritual centers – the sacred altar within ourselves by which this passage can be accessed. We tell ourselves we don’t have the key to these doors, but I assure you, they are not locked. The doors can be pushed wide open. However, it is essential to be sincere, if not reverent, in one’s desire to pass through this threshold; This, if anything, is the key.” Epilogue 

“While some may find the enigmatic events in this book challenging to accept as plausible, they may wish to read the book as one would a novel, considering it reads as such; however, it is not fiction. It is a spiritual journey.” Introduction 

“…like the air I breathe, my sovereignty is valued so much more.” Path Unveiled 

“… man-made religions have entrenched in humans fear of a vengeful God with the alternative of going to hell if we do not defy and somehow transform the inherent, primal sins of the human body. With those options, what else can the transition beyond the physical be but a terrifying experience?  Introduction 

“While the origins of religions are graces given to us with each having something to offer, there remains a void of spiritual cognizance on Earth… This book picks up where (man-made) religions leave off.” Introduction 

“What comes afterward is what this life all about.” The Return 

“Truth is self-evident to those receptive to it; it will resonate within them, stir their hearts, and awaken their minds, while others will hear only words.” The Return 

“I’ll need to survive my own death if I’m to take the reins of my destiny and fate.” Letting Go 

“The unpredictable, potentially harsh outcome of suicide precluded it as a means to the sanctuary I was seeking.” Path Unveiled 

“It (the book) goes beyond conventional thinking and is intended for those who are spiritually awake and advanced – or wish to be.” This Book Is Not For Everyone  

“For many, meditation is like repeatedly going to the train station but never boarding. Before long, they return to their human consciousness. Seldom do meditators go all the way. When one gets on board, this meditation can transport them beyond the station to an alternate, higher state of existence.” Perspectives on Meditation 

“Transcending the physical answers many questions, all at once.” Entering the Ethereal Realm 

Remember, no ego means no fear! The Ego 

“Others will notice the difference in you, and it may even elevate their spirits; though, they won’t they won’t immediately realize what it is about you that inspired them..” Any Ascension is Better Than No Ascension 

“I am not asking you to believe or blindly accept anything I’ve said in this book. I am saying, “It is verifiable. You have the option to prove it for yourself! A Soul’s Destin 

“By entering and passing through the Inner Passage of the Sixth Chakra, without an ego, you will be in a place where you can instantly access all the information in this book and much more.” 

“In my father’s house are many mansions…” 

This Book Is Not For Everyone

I wrote this book for people who are objective, intelligent, compassionate, and can think for themselves. It is for people who prefer to take into their hands the reins of their fate. The information in this book is from personal experiences (not theory), inspired by various religious beliefs. It goes beyond conventional thinking and is intended for those who are spiritually awake and advanced – or wish to be. 

If you have more questions than answers and religions fail to provide you with the assurance of a cherished destiny and fate after this life, this book may be for you. This book picks up what and where religions leave off. If you are positive-minded and want to discover opportunities within and beyond this life, this book will show you where to look. 

On the other hand, if you have the assurance and inner peace concerning your destiny after this life, you do not need this book. For those who wish to glimpse the larger picture, to begin with, it provides a personal experience that complements most religious beliefs – the realization that you are a spiritual being first and foremost.

The book was not written for the dogmatic, opinionated, judgmental, or fundamentalists, each who blindly believes theirs is the only religion – especially the boisterous who place themselves on a pedestal as they hypocritically attack others for their spiritual beliefs and experiences. A quote from my book explains why I cannot write for these people: “Those who fearfully defend their ignorance create a span greater than I am able to bridge.”

Comparative Description

Inner Passage starts out as a narrative along the storyline of Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda, and it concludes with an example in line with those of Graceful Exits by Sushila Blackman’s. It tells of the shifts in perception, consciousness, and locales experienced during and after the transition. And then it takes the experience one step farther. 

Part II of the Inner Passage of the Sixth Chakra shares insights, perspectives, and the reverence that led to the discovery of the Passage. It details what one person did in preparation to transcend the physical, disclosing the multi-level states of higher existences available to us after crossing over, and reveals how they are accessed. Overall, the book unveils the path back to our original state of being. While the book tells of returning to our inherent state of existence, it also demonstrates a critical stage of enlightenment, empowering us to transcend the physical. This is when and where the real adventure begins. We re-acquire the ultimate freedom, enter one of the utopias that would fulfill our highest values, and encourage our ideals, or we can ascend beyond it all.